About the Show
Set in Brooklyn during The Great Depression, this coming-of-age comedy focuses on Eugene, a Jewish American teenager who searches for his identity as he tries to deal with his older brother Stanley, his parents, his Aunt Blanche, and her two daughters, who come to live with the family. His father struggles to support everyone. His aunt wants to date the neighbor. His cousins add to the family’s tension in good and not-so-good ways. All the while, the family worries about their other relatives in Poland and how they’ll put them up if they escape and come to Brooklyn.
View ProgramAbout the Playwright
American playwright and screenwriter Neil Simon (1927-2018) is widely regarded as one of the most successful, prolific and performed playwrights in theatre history. In addition to Lost In Yonkers, which won a Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize, his plays and musicals include Come Blow Your Horn, Little Me, Barefoot in the Park, The Odd Couple, Sweet Charity, The Star-Spangled Girl, Plaza Suite, Promises, Promises, Last of the Red Hot Lovers, The Gingerbread Lady, The Prisoner of Second Avenue, The Sunshine Boys, The Good Doctor, God’s Favorite, California Suite, Chapter Two, They’re Playing Our Song, I Ought to be in Pictures, Fools, Brighton Beach Memoirs, Biloxi Blues, The Odd Couple (female version), Broadway Bound, Rumors, Jake’s Women, The Goodbye Girl, Laughter on the 23rd Floor, London Suite, Proposals, Hotel Suite, The Dinner Party, 45 Seconds from Broadway, Oscar and Felix, and Rose’s Dilemma.